About Us
I and my partner David first came to this area of France when he bought an old farmhouse just on the outskirts of the village of Yzeures-sur-Creuse in the Indre-et-Loire department in the Centre of France in 2003. We liked the area which was just south of the major chateaux of the Loire valley.

Buildings with history in the french countryside.
At the time David bought his house we had a shop in West Sussex where I sold Annie Sloan Chalk Paint together with used furniture which David renovated and I painted but it wasn't long before we thought there was an opening in the village for a similar business and that the ancient buildings forming one side of the village square would be a brilliant location.
The buildings were formerly the site of the village supermarket and petrol station having an ancient tower next to the bar at one end and an old building through which a coach could pass on the ground floor at the other. These old buildings had potential but were substantially uninhabitable at that time.
French village life.
I acquired the buildings in 2007 since when we have worked hard to establish the shop and to renovate the once derelict buildings. We have succeeded in making a charming little cottage in the walled garden and a lovely apartment on the first floor of the middle building which overlooks the village square both of which are ideal for sampling life in a typical french village.